If one or both parties in a marriage has grounds for divorce or dissolution, they are classified as legal reasons to terminate a marriage. Here are some of the legal grounds for divorce/ dissolution explained.
- No-fault divorce – A no-fault divorce will see both parties not blaming the other for the breakdown of the In this instance, either party will not need to prove that the other party is guilty. Some no-fault grounds include irreconcilable differences, irretrievable marriage breakdown, the irremediable breakdown of the marriage, or incompatibility. Some states will request the couple to live apart for a period before the divorce is granted.
- Fault-based divorce – In the case of a fault based divorce, one party blames the other for misconduct. Grounds for such divorce include adultery, cruelty, physical or mental incapacitation, imprisonment or abandonment. For the courts to grant this type of divorce, one party will have to prove the that they have been treated
- Comparative rectitude or Least-fault divorce – If both spouses have been at fault, the courts will grant the spouse with the less serious fault a divorce. However, this form of divorce is rare in most states.
When considering a divorce, it is best to speak to a lawyer that specializes in divorce law, since most states have different laws relating to divorce/ dissolution. When selecting a lawyer for your case, look at the experience they have in handling similar cases in your specific state.